X-Sport! A Free Online Magazine devoted to the High Adrenalin Community! Download your copy now at www.xsport-magazine.com

X-Sport magazine is the brainchild of Chris Headleand, accomplished whitewater paddler, a member of UK Team High N Mighty. Chris writes:

There are so many people out there involved with extreme sports, and they are rarely just involved with just a singular part world. Just look at the Gath team riders for an example, Corran Addison surfs as well as kayaks and he isn’t the only one. However, there’s barely anything out there that really brings us all together.

That is the aim of X-Sport. What I have done is create an online magazine that people can freely contribute too, just email me an article at chris.headleand@xsport-magazine.co.uk along with some photos and if it’s something that I think people would like to read. But that’s not all; the aim of Xsport is to be a free publication, that anyone can download free of charge (keeping the paperless green philosophy alive!).

Chris has delivered his promises in his very exiting first issue with articles written by people at the top of their game.
